The Queen Alexandra Hospital (QAH) – one of the largest acute teaching trusts in the UK embark on the roll-out of Inventor-e’s SmartStores inventory management solution.

The QAH’s goal was to ensure that the operations of the hospital ran smoothly. Inventor-e offered the best possible outcome to cover a number of non-clinical functions that delivered efficiency for the staff, patients and visitors.

Inventor-e point-of-use solutions

A review revealed the need for improvement in services that could deliver a complete end-to-end solution. The ultimate long-term goal was to have the ability to track all products through to point-of-use. 

Inventor-e was awarded to provide services through its SmartStores product – an enterprise-level storeroom management solution – to enable the hospital to effectively manage and control the usage of material in the storeroom environments. 

The review of existing procedures revealed a number of issues. Inventory was informally managed by staff who placed orders ad hoc. As a result of unreliable and accessible information, there was a frequent occurrence of stock-outs due to inadequate advanced planning, overstocking risk and unknown levels of waste disposal. Stock levels constantly fluctuated, making materials identification difficult.

The benefits of SmartStores

Implementation of SmartStores provided real-time enterprise-wide visibility and the ultimate in control over materials used. Queen Alexandra Hospital reported the following significant benefits:

  1. COST SAVINGS â€“ As a result of stock being more identifiable and easier to find, significant cost savings were made. Better stock management prevented failures due to staff not knowing if materials were in stock.
  2. STOCK MANAGEMENT â€“ Improved stock replenishment was achieved due to the ‘easy to read’ reports. These prevent materials from running out and not being available when required as they clearly display stock levels and replenishment requirements.
  3. STOCK REPORTS â€“ SmartStores stock usage report supports contract compliance, as it enables the client to better plan and defends against stockpiling faults, depleted stock levels and other outcomes such as order delays. 
  4. TIME SAVINGS Â­â€“ It would have been difficult to locate goods using the old system. The SmartSearch function assists staff to locate and book out materials during silent hours – due to on-site 24/7 cover.
  5. DATA CAPTURE â€“ The old system did not capture the level of detail that the SmartStores solution provides. This includes identifying the issued item, the time of issue, to whom the item was issued and any associated cost. 
  6. 360° VIEW â€“ End-of-month accounts provide a stock report showing complete stock value, levels and monthly spending. This is used to provide a holistic view of the hospital’s facility.

Inventor-e healthcare specialists

One of the most important factors in supporting hospitals is offering them innovative technologies that revolutionise the way they spend money – so they can act smarter with budgets and become world-class.

Following the implementation of the SmartStores solution, real-time results were secured in terms of both financial and service level; staff are now able to collate clear usage data, including costing and stock traceability.

The implementation of a best-practice inventory management solution has dramatically improved the hospital’s operations. SmartStores inventory management is the building block to ensure the hospital exceeds requirements and manages its stock efficiently. All of the Inventor-e products are linked to the Sourcerer cloud-based software. Users can access the Sourcerer software anywhere and anytime via the internet to access reports and real-time management information. 

To see how SmartStores can transform your storeroom management get in touch with one of our advisors at (+44) 0800 779 7214 or

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